Teacher Services CHF

Teacher Exchange AmericanEnglish     français    Teacher Exchange Spain español

The Cordell Hull Foundation strives to enhance and improve services to teachers and schools on a continual basis.  At any time, constituents are free to browse our webpages which explain exhaustively most procedures and services.  It is easy to locate specific information from the home page, scrolling down, and typing a few words in the search window.  This page summarizes the major services offered by CHF as a government Bridge USA Exchange Teacher Sponsor.  

1. PRE-ARRIVAL    Thorough instructions, videos and booklets explaining how to apply for J-1 visa at American Embassies worldwide

2. Pre-arrival and orientation manual in three languages on cordellhull.net – see specific subjects covered below

3. 16-page visa and immigration booklets translated into six languages,


  • 2022 – Five-hour new-teacher orientation seminar in major U.S. cities including lunch New York, San Francisco – and 15 other US cities 2019 and previously (pre-Covid)
  • 2021 – 5-hour ZOOM live orientations in Spanish, Mandarin, French and English with native-speaking experienced trainers: school principals, curriculum coordinators or former J-1 exchange teachers
  • 2020 to present – Online orientation 2-3 hour course in English, French or Spanish consisting of 5-6 videos followed by interactive quizzes to check comprehension narrated by native speakers

5. Free Repatriation and medical evacuation health insurance coverage enabling teachers to buy into American group health insurance plans at schools or school districts in the US

6. Health Insurance CHF group policy – $47 per J-1 or J-2 dependent per month – Flat rate

For myriad FAQs … Frequently Asked Questions.

CHF Teacher Exchange bloghttp://j1visateachexc.blogspot.com/

7. Instructions and advice how to apply for and interview for the J-1 teacher exchange visa at American Embassies worldwide, in the form of written advisories and videos

Over 40 instruction videos on various aspects of the exchange program in four languages, such as how to conduct yourself on visa interview, prepare cultural activity reports, extend the term for the 4th-5th years, interact with parents, cope with culture shock  www.cordellhull.com/instruction-videos


CHF English comprehension video test produced by CHF to check English fluency of foreign teachers who are not native speakers, consisting of 15 minutes of videos and interactive quizzes written by CHF teachers and staff

Only for CHF constituents – not on CHF website.  Must receive link to log in.

10. continual monitoring and consultation of schools, teachers, and staffs throughout the 1-5 year term.

11. periodic bulletins, newsletters, reminders as needed via email and Constant Contact

Part I: Orientation Manual                                           

Exchange Visitor Program Overview.. 1-2
Laws Governing Foreign Nationals… 3                                     
CHF Memo of Understanding… 4-5
CHF Datasheet… 6     Culture Shock…. 7-9  Social Security…10                               Banking and Credit in the United States.. 11-12
Driving in the United States.. 12-13   Parent Communication…. 14-15
Tax Information for J-1 Visa Holders …16-18                       
Acclimating to New Environment… 19-20
Classroom Management Booklist…. 20                                         
J-1Visa Renewal Process 21-22

PART II: pre-arrival information

Checklists… 23 Planning… 23-25
What to Expect at US Port of Entry.. 25-26                        
Documents to Carry On Your Person… 26
Secondary Visa Inspection Requirements… 26-27                                       
US Customs – Checking of Luggage and Carry-ons… 27
Arrival.. 27-28   Check-In …28
The Home Country Physical Presence Requirement 212 (E)….28
Post-Arrival Checklist – First Things to Do…28-29
Medical (Health) Insurance… 29    Finding a Home… 29
Daily Life … 30   Cost of Living chart in various cities … 30
Cross-cultural activities… 30        Safety and Security …  30 Multi-City Transportation Guide …  31

Schools and public school districts are invited to learn more about the teacher exchange J-1 visa program and that which we stand ready and able to do for you.  After enjoying the experience of teaching in the United States on a temporary basis of one to five years, program participants are expected to return home to share realistic feedback on American culture.
CHF Sponsorship fees are paid by school or school district, not the teacher:

  • Year 1: $1,400
  • Year 2: $800
  • Year 3: $400
  • Year 4 & 5 (flat fee): $1,200 + State Dept $367 fee
  • Year 5: $00

Teacher or school can pay remaining costs and fees:

J-2 Dependents upon request – not automatic
Spouse – $300/year    Child – $200/year (must be school age)

American Embassy J-1 visa passport stamp issuance fees: 

  • $160 for J-1 nonimmigrant visa application
  • $220 for SEVIS fee
    +possible charges for courier envelope or services to send passport

Pictured below:  All-Saints-Day Tribute to deLesseps S. “Toni” Morrison, former Executive Director of CHF toni-morrison

Teachers are contracted by the school, school district or state education system on a temporary basis for a period of one year at a time, extendable to five years. Participants are expected to remain at the original host school for 1-5 years, then return to their native countries to exercise skills and knowledge acquired in the United States, thus strengthening the ties which unite us with other nations.

Other initiatives include production of a film series on the life of Cordell Hull in partnership with DVA Productions, New York.  CHF recommends through the d.s. Toni Morrison Summer Studies Program in Antigua, Guatemala the expert one-on-one instruction offered by native-speaking specialists at the Escuela San Jose el Viejo for short-term intensive study.  Students have the opportunity of living with a Guatemalan family.

Webpage written by CHF Trustees and edited by Joseph Scott, Communications Director.

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 chf-logo CORDELL HULL FOUNDATION Memo of Understanding – Required for Teacher Applicants to print and sign
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