Click here to download the form: __CHF Cultural Activity Report form 2024
English instructions for Activity 2: Virtual Exchange Instructions for Cultural Activity Report – CHF.rtf
Chinese Instructions for Activity 2: Chinese Version_Virtual Exchange Instructions for Cultural Activity Report – CHF
Complete activities 1 & 2 if you teach in Grades Kindergarten to 6th, and complete activities 1, 2, ad 3 if you teach in an International School or a Foreign Language Immersion school – for example, if you teacher subjects in your native language, such as French, Spanish, German, Italian, Greek, Mandarin, Portuguese.
Upload your Cultural Activity Report to the CHF Zoho portal. All CHF teachers have received an invitation to log in within three days and create a password. If you have not already created your password, write to and request an invitation link.
Here is the link you can use to sign in with your email and password that you have already created:
Cordell Hull Foundation for International Education
In order to extend your J-1 teacher visa status for a 4th-5th year from 2025-2027, please send your reports and upload your insurance proof no later than January 15, 2025.
All other teachers in J-1 visa status (currently in 1st, 2nd, 4th, or 5th year) must write a Cultural Activity Report, due on March 15 each year to the Cordell Hull Foundation.
Zoho Step by Step Instructions to upload your CAR and Health Insurance information to the CHF Zoho portal:
Upload form in Word here – click on link below:
ZOHO PORTAL Cultural Act Ins step by step 3-14-2024
- Log into Zoho:
Use the same email address that you used initially so that you do not create a double entry in the database. If you forget your password, click “forgot password,” and Zoho will send you a link to create a new password.
- In the Zoho portal- Select the 3 green dots underneath the eye (click on green link above for picture guides)
Do not select the green box with white plus + sign. You will get the following error if you do that.
- Click “edit” from the pop-up window
that appears (see green arrow) then scroll down to where it says
“Cultural Activity Year __” Choose your current year of J-1 visa status (1-7).Upload your Cultural Report and Health Insurance Proof and click update so that it saves.
If you have J-2 dependents, combine all the insurance cards and at least one receipt for paying the premium – including the dates of coverage – in one file, i.e. Word or PDF.
Every report must have at least two components:
- An activity sharing your culture (or foreign language) at school or in the community
- An interactive exchange between your students and students in your home country via Internet-Skype, email, etc.
International School or Foreign-Language Immersion school teachers must also report on a third activity that includes sharing your home culture outside the school premises.
Note that the State Department requires you to do a minimum of two activities per year but you can repeat the same activities each year.
You may find video links on our website – in English, French, Mandarin and Spanish – explaining how to write the report.
Go to / J-1 Visa / Instruction Videos
Upload fact sheet describing how to conduct Internet Activity in detail:
Virtual Exchange Instructions for Cultural Activity Report – CHF.rtf
Description in Mandarin: Chinese Version_Virtual Exchange Instructions for Cultural Activity Report – CHF